1. A.A. members share their experience with anyone
seeking help with a drinking problem; they give person-to-person
service or sponsorship to the alcoholic coming to
A.A. from any source.
2. The A.A. program, set forth in our Twelve Steps, offers the alcoholic a way to develop a satisfying life without alcohol.
3. This program is discussed at A.A. group meetings.
a. Open speaker meetings open to alcoholics and nonalcoholics. (Attendance at an open A.A. meeting is the best way to learn what A.A. is, what it does, and what it does not do.) At speaker meetings, A.A. members tell their stories. They describe their experiences with alcohol, how they came to A.A., and how their lives have changed as a result of A.A.
b. Open discussion meetings one member
speaks briefly about his or her drinking experience, and then
leads a discussion on A.A. recovery or any drinking-related problem
anyone brings up.
(Closed meetings are for A.A.s or anyone who may have a drinking
c. Closed discussion meetings conducted just as open discussions are, but for alcoholics or prospective A.A.s only.
d. Step meetings (usually closed) discussion of one of the Twelve Steps.
e. A.A. members also take meetings into correctional and treatment facilities.
f. A.A. members may be asked to conduct the informational meetings about A.A. as a part of A.S.A.P. (Alcohol Safety Action Project) and D.W.I. (Driving While Intoxicated) programs. These meetings about A.A. are not regular A.A. group meetings.
proof of attendance
In the last years, A.A. groups have welcomed many new members
from court programs and treatment facilities. Some have come
to A.A. voluntarily; others, under a degree of pressure. In our
pamphlet How A.A. Members Cooperate, the following
We cannot discriminate against any prospective A.A. member,
even if he or she comes to us under pressure from a court, an
employer, or any other agency.
Although the strength of our program lies in the voluntary nature
of membership in A.A., many of us first attended meetings because
we were forced to, either by someone else or by inner discomfort.
But continual exposure to A.A. educated us to the true nature
of the illness.... Who made the referral to A.A. is not what
A.A. is interested in. It is the problem drinker who is our concern....
We cannot predict who will recover, nor have we the authority
to decide how recovery should be sought by any other alcoholic.
Sometimes, courts ask for proof of attendance at A.A.
Some groups, with the consent of the prospective member, have
the A.A. group secretary sign or initial a slip that has been
furnished by the court together with a self-addressed court envelope.
The referred person supplies identification and mails the slip
back to the court as proof of attendance.
Other groups cooperate in different ways. There is no set procedure.
The nature and extent of any groups involvement in this
process is entirely up to the individual group.
This proof of attendance at meetings is not part of A.A.s
procedure. Each group is autonomous and has the right to choose
whether or not to sign court slips. In some areas the attendees
report on themselves, at the request of the referring agency,
and thus alleviate breaking A.A. members anonymity.
top of page
Alcoholism and drug addiction are often referred to
as substance abuse or chemical dependency.
Alcoholics and nonalcoholics are, therefore, sometimes introduced
to A.A. and encouraged to attend A.A. meetings. Anyone may attend
open A.A. meetings. But only those with a drinking problem
may attend closed meetings or become A.A. members. People
with problems other than alcoholism are eligible for A.A. membership
only if they have a drinking problem.
Dr. Vincent Dole, a pioneer in methadone treatment for heroin
addicts and for several years a trustee on the General Service
Board of A.A., made the following statement: The source
of strength in A.A. is its single-mindedness. The mission of
A.A. is to help alcoholics. A.A. limits what it is demanding
of itself and its associates, and its success lies in its limited
target. To believe that the process that is successful in one
line guarantees success for another would be a very serious mistake.
Consequently, we welcome the opportunity to share A.A. experience
with those who would like to develop Twelve Step/Twelve Tradition
programs for the nonalcoholic addict by using A.A. methods.
A.A. does not:
1. Furnish initial motivation for alcoholics to recover
2. Solicit members
3. Engage in or sponsor research
4. Keep attendance records or case histories
5. Join councils of social agencies
6. Follow up or try to control its members
7. Make medical or psychological diagnoses or prognoses
8. Provide drying-out or nursing services, hospitalization, drugs,
or any medical or psychiatric treatment
9. Offer religious services
10. Engage in education about alcohol
11. Provide housing, food, clothing, jobs, money, or any other
welfare or social services
12. Provide domestic or vocational counseling
13. Accept any money for its services, or any contributions from
non-A.A. sources
14. Provide letters of reference to parole boards, lawyers, court
officials, social agencies, employers, etc.